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''...With his beautiful lirico leggero tenor, perfect for the works of Rossini's and Donizettian heroes, his frank projection, and his impeccable phrasing, the young Turkish tenor Mert Süngü rallies all the votes''
            Emmanule Andrieu,
                   Lucrezia Borgia

''Extraordinary interpretation by Turkish tenor Mert Süngü who interpreted an ambiguous role. On one hand a gracious Rossini tenor (when not Mozartian), on the other hand a dramatic lyric tenor of romantic era. His command in nuances, such as piani and 'messa di voce's are remarkable as well as his courage to confront the jumps to extreme high notes. Felice Romani designed the role of Lanciotto as a revolving dramatic device and Merto Sungu interpreted the role with high intensity and great stage presence.''


Lorenzo Mattei, GB Opera Magazine.

Francesca da Rimini by Saverio Mercadante (World Premiere)




"This was a valiant performance for someone whose first language is not French; Sungu offered a secure top and a sense of fun for his stately return as the Grand Augure of Venus in the final act."


-Stephen J. Mudge,


PARIS, La Belle Helene



''...Süngü's even, full-bodied tenor gave weight and consistency to Ferrando, especially in the more dramatic moments, as exemplified in the second act cavatina, ‘Tradito, schernito.’'


Jill Comerford,

GB Opera Magazine

Cosi Fan Tutte by W.A.Mozart



'' ...Particular success was rightly attributed to the young Mert Süngü, interpreter of Ubaldo... after he owned the aria, "Grato core e core amico" in the 18th scene''

Luca Chierici, Il corriere della musica

Armida by Tommaso Traetta



"...Süngü as Lanciotto demostrated that he is a complete artist. He vibrated his cords with emotion, offerring remarkable vocal qualities and cut-above phrasing."


-Dino Foresio ,


 Francesca da Rimini



''Great interpretation of Tamino; confident and vocally exemplary from tenor Mert Süngü...''

Andrea Merli

Die Zauberflöte by W.A.Mozart


''...Süngü confronts Argirio with generous, luminous and flexible voice; Voluminous and fast in ascendant scales into the high register. The ring in his voice is potent yet under control.''


Simone Manfreddini,

Tancredi by G.Rossini

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